
Transport Blazer

A complete  software suite for DSn/PDH as well as SONET/SDH and multiservice test modules.

The following features have been introduced to this release:

Multichannel SDT Measurements:
  • This new feature introduces the ability to perform multichannel SDT measurements. This is applicable to SONET/SDH for all STS-1/AU-4 channels within the optical signal, as well as to OTN for all ODU0 channels within the optical signal. In addition to performing the SDT measurement for multiple channels simultaneously, this feature also provides the ability to monitor in real-time errors and alarms for all channels on the signal (STS-1/AU-4/ODU0). This functionality is supported on the FTB-500/IQS-600 platforms for the FTB/IQS-8120/8120NG/8120NGE, FTB/IQS-8130/8130NG/8130NGE and the FTB/IQS-8140 modules as a software option.
One-Way Latency Measurement (FTB/IQS-81x0NGE):
  • Capability to perform one-way latency measurements as part of EtherSAM and RFC 2544 tests using a 1 PPS clock source input at each end of the test.
EtherSAM Enhancements (FTB/IQS-81x0NGE):
  • Capability to set CIR=0
  • Capability to disable the overshoot test
  • For the service configuration test, capability to set total CIR bandwidth of all streams to more than 100% line rate. If the line rate exceeds 100%, the EtherSAM service performance test does not run.

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 VersionReleased on 
Transport Blazer IQS Manager 4 (Win 8.1 Pro only) 3.1 févr.. 2015 Zone de téléchargement